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4 posts tagged with "Kubernetes"

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SFTP server in Kubernetes with SFTPGo

· 7 min read
María García
Junior Platform Engineer

Have you ever needed to create an SFTP server? How do you do it?

For those who have created an SFTP server before, you probably know that it is not easy to create and maintain an SFTP server. There are many ways to do it, but in this case, we are going to install SFTPGo in our Kubernetes cluster.

SFTPGo is an open-source SFTP server that allows users to securely transfer files over SSH. It is written in Go (Golang) and is designed to be lightweight, easy to configure, and highly customizable. It supports multiple storage backends, including local filesystems, cloud storage (like S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc.), and more.

The deployment of SFTPGo on an EKS cluster begins with provisioning the required resources, so let's start by creating the necessary infrastructure with Terraform.

Kubernetes Most Used Commands

· 5 min read
Guille Vigil
Platform Engineer

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is widely used by many organizations to manage their containerized applications and services. Kubernetes provides a rich set of commands that allow developers and operators to interact with the Kubernetes cluster and manage their applications and services. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most used Kubernetes commands that can help you streamline your Kubernetes deployments and efficiently manage your applications.

Microservices Architecture

· 3 min read
Guille Vigil
Platform Engineer

In today's dynamic digital environment, the adoption of microservices architectures alongside container technologies like Docker and Kubernetes is not just innovative; it's transformative. This approach is revolutionizing how applications are developed, deployed, and scaled, offering unprecedented agility and efficiency. Here's a deeper dive into the myriad benefits of this synergy and why Docker and Kubernetes stand out as the cornerstone technologies in this paradigm shift.

Helm Most Used Commands

· 3 min read
Guille Vigil
Platform Engineer

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows developers and operators to more easily package, configure, and deploy applications and services onto Kubernetes clusters. Helm is the most popular package manager for Kubernetes and is widely used by many organizations.

Dive into the world of Helm commands - your gateway to simplified Kubernetes deployments and efficient package management. Uncover the power to streamline, deploy, and manage applications effortlessly. Ready to elevate your container orchestration game? 🚀📦